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Adding Value to Leaders Who Multiply Value to Others

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Learn More About iLead

​Is your school climate struggling? Do your students need help connecting with one another or finding their voice? iLead’s peer-to-peer process provides an environment for students to develop authentic relationships while being intentional to learn and live good leadership values.

​iLead is John Maxwell’s values-based leadership development designed specifically for students. It combines John’s proven content with a peer-to-peer process that allows students to practice leadership as they are learning it.

​iLead is done in small groups of 4-6 students, preferably once a week, during a course.  It is designed to be done peer-to-peer. Registering adults, act as a sponsor (See Sponsor Guide under Resources) who train students to be facilitators (See Student Facilitator Guide under Resources). The content can be accessed digitally for free after registration or printed at sponsor’s cost. Students are asked to submit a pre and post assessment, and the sponsor is asked to submit attendance. 

To begin using iLead, click the “Register” button above and watch a video on “Transformation Tables”. Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive an email providing you with credentials to our web-based learning system where you will have access to multiple iLead course options. Have questions? Register for the monthly Zoom call to learn more!

John C. Maxwell's Values-Based Leadership

The Maxwell Leadership Foundation is passionate about growing leaders who create powerful positive change. We believe one of the most effective ways to do this is by getting people around a table to intentionally learn and live good values. iLead provides a tool to accomplish this.

South Carolina Case Study- Nexton Elementary 2022

Sandra's Story-Martin County PAL

Heaven Leigh's Story-Power of Positive Change

FAQs for iLead

Is there a charge for the material?

There is no charge to access the iLead material. Our goal is to value people, grow leaders and transform lives.  We are committed to making the curriculum accessible to as many  youth as possible.  Our only request is for sponsors to submit student attendance at the conclusion of each unit of iLead and for student access to complete the unit pre and post assessments provided within the iLead platform.

May I change the curriculum?

The images or content of the curriculum cannot be changed without written, express consent from Maxwell Leadership Foundation.

What age group has this curriculum been designed for?

iLead is designed for middle school students ages 11-13.  iLead has been successfully implemented with high school students. Coming in Fall, 2023, Maxwell Leadership will launch an elementary version of iLead.

Why are you asking each participant to do a survey?

Surveys are important to the Maxwell Leadership Foundation as they provide quantitative data to measure effectiveness and impact of the iLead content.  Survey data is also utilized to create additional material and tools to support iLead.

What is the difference between iLead, iChoose and iDo?

iLead is the title of the values-based leadership content provided through the Maxwell Leadership Foundation. The first 16 values are grouped together to form iChoose. iDo is the next grouping of 16 values with a focus on action. The final grouping of values is called iLead. These three volumes represent the entire content of iLead. Currently, iChoose and iDo are available through the learning management system.

Do the lessons need to be done in order?

The order of the lessons is intentional, but the lessons stand on their own in any order.

I don’t work with students but is there a way I can make this available for people who do work with students?

There are a few ways to support iLead if you do not work directly with students.  One great way is to provide the iLead website information to those who do work with youth www.maxwellleadership.org/ilead  Here they can request a sample, join a Explore iLead Zoom or read additional information provided on the website.  Additionally, you can donate to support iLead here. Click Here to Donate. $52.00 will support iLead to a classroom for 1 year.

Do you have to be a certified Maxwell Leadership Coach to use iLead?

At the request of Dr. John C. Maxwell, iLead is to remain free and available to any person wanting to bring iLead to youth throughout the United States and the world.  It is important to note that, if you are currently a Maxwell Leadership Certified Coach, iLead is to remain free to any participants.

Additional Questions?

If you have additional questions, please reach out to us at, iLead@jmlf.org

Access a Sample Lesson of iLead

Select the best format for engaging students with print or digital options. Each downloadable iLead lesson features form response capabilities that students can use for values-based leadership development whether in the classroom, at the kitchen table or on the field.
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We need your support

Would you consider partnering with us financially to make iLead accessible to as many students as possible?

Interested in more information?

We need leaders who are hungry to bring transformation to their sphere of influence through Transformational Roundtables by John C. Maxwell.

About the Maxwell Leadership Foundation

Leadership flows from the top down and the MLF has seen incredible success when an intentional effort is made to impact the key streams of influence within a country. When the MLF marries its influence, resources and tools with the desire and influence of top levels of leadership in the key streams the results are truly transformational. As leaders are changed, one by one, they begin to have a transformational impact on those around them.

The MLF adds values to leaders who multiply value to others and the results are growing leaders who transform the world around them.

The values-based roundtables are the key tool used to help make people aware of leadership values, provide opportunities for self-reflection, and a commitment to taking one measurable step forward each week.   The roundtable setting provides a conversational environment, free of judgment that produces positive change through a commitment to growth every single week. Steps may be small, but consistency compounds and the results snowball.  Roundtables have proven to be a practical and successful method for forming new habits and experiencing true life-change.

As individual lives are changed, the companies where those individuals work are changed, the culture of organizations change, and the results are real and measurable.

Imagine the impact as key streams of influence are collectively impacted and begin The Maxwell Leadership Foundation equips leaders to transform their world, and we are doing it one country at a time.to see transformation that positively impacts the entire community.

Meet our Leadership


John C. Maxwell

John Maxwell_sitting_2016

John C. Maxwell, the #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than 26 million books, was identified as the #1 leader in business by the American Management Association® and the world’s most influential leadership expert by Business Insider and Inc. magazine in 2014. In that year Dr. Maxwell also received the Mother Teresa Prize for Global Peace and Leadership from the Luminary Leadership Network. His organizations—Maxwell Leadership, EQUIP, and the Maxwell Leadership Foundation—have trained millions of leaders touching every nation in the world.


Mark Cole

Portraits for The John Maxwell Co. staff and facilitators, as well as coverage of some speakers during the Partner Forum on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016 at The Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta. Photo by Kevin D. Liles/kevindliles.com

Mark Cole serves as CEO of the Maxwell Leadership Foundation. With over 20 years of leadership and team development experience, Mark has become a champion of the John C. Maxwell brand of leadership. His passion for leadership development and organizational growth makes him uniquely qualified to add value to individual leaders and leadership teams. He has experience in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors, and he has led companies through economic challenges, growth barriers, and disconnected team dynamics.

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