You can be part of expanding iLead in dramatic ways in the USA: We have the opportunity to touch the lives of 10.9 million students!
It will take $3.6 million to be in position to reach these students — and our goal is to have the funding in place by December 31.
A gift of $100,000 will help us reach 37,000 students and impact a whole community! Please consider a significant Christmas gift for America’s students and respond generously today. Thank you!
All gifts to the Maxwell Leadership Foundation (MLF) are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that MLF has complete control over the use of all donated funds. It is our policy that all gifts designated for a specific project be used toward that project. If we received more funds than needed for a project, the extra funds will be applied toward a similar pressing need.